I like to try new things. All of my family does. My Mom tries A LOT of cooking recipes. She goes to a website called "The daring Kitchen" every month that website posts a blog on their website. It's always something thats kind off hard to make like sushi, souffle, baguette, Pate, and apple butter. Something like that.
And all that food I listed is AWESOME. This Christmas, like all of them, we made treats. We made Christmas cookies, ginger cookies, and meringues. They are soooo good. Also last night my Mom had a small party. She and I made alot of stuff like wassail, (it's a hot spice Christmas punch) and canapes ( there like little bit sized squares that has cream cheese and a lot of other stuff).
I am going to make this short and sweet. I love to cook!
Thanks for reading Simply Meghan